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Libros de Aleix Cabrera (2 libros)

El hámster de la princesa Criseta (Princess Criseta's Hamster)

Libro El hámster de la princesa Criseta (Princess Criseta's Hamster)

Hamsters can make great companions, as the young princess in this charming book learns. Animal lovers will enjoy this entertaining tale about a young girl and the creatures that keep her company at night. Colorful illustrations and an exciting narrative will captivate readers of many levels, while accessible text will engage even the most reluctant readers. This stimulating story of a girl and her pets is sure to be a popular addition to any library or classroom.

El poni de la princesa Suque (Princess Suque's Pony)

Libro El poni de la princesa Suque (Princess Suque's Pony)

Princess Suque has always wanted a pony, but when the time comes for her to get one, she asks for something else instead, surprising everyone. The young princess's request teaches the entire kingdom an important lesson about freedom and unity. Animal lovers of many ages are sure to enjoy this entertaining tale. Bright illustrations will engage readers, while accessible text helps them follow along with the story. Once readers pick this book up, they won't want to put it down.