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Libros de Diana G Gallagher (2 libros)


Libro ÁCuidado!

Jenny Pinski is the biggest bully at Pine Tree Middle School. Claudia is paired up with her for a science project. Some of Jenny's ideas are awful, but Claudia is afraid to disagree with Jenny. Is her project doomed, or will Claudia find out there's more to this bully than bullying? Fully translated Spanish text. Jenny Pinski es la matona de la escuela Pine Tree. Claudia debe hacer un proyecto de Ciencias con ella, pero Jenny propone algunas ideas que no son muy geniales. Claudia no se atreve a discutir con Jenny, Àconseguir‡n sacar el proyecto adelante o descubrir‡ Claudia que detr‡s...

Dama de la Mala Suerte

Libro Dama de la Mala Suerte

Claudia has been asked to be a bridesmaid in her cousin Laura's wedding. Claudia's excited, so she finds lots of information about weddings online. Soon she knows all about wedding traditions and luck. But when she arrives at Laura's house, everything starts going wrong. Is Claudia the bad luck charm? Fully translated Spanish text.