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Libros de Julia Quinn (5 libros)

Seduciendo a Mr. Bridgerton

Libro Seduciendo a Mr. Bridgerton

A sus veintiocho anos, Penelope se ha resignado ya a convertirse en una solterona destinada a envejecer cuidando a su madre. Durante una decada, ha asistido a todas las fiestas de la aristocracia londinense, y siempre ha sido la muchacha mediocre, callada

Seduciendo a Mr. Bridgerton

Libro Seduciendo a Mr. Bridgerton

Colin Bridgerton is tired of being thought of as nothing but an empty-headed charmer and of everyone's preoccupation with the notorious gossip columnist Lady Whistledown, who can't publish without mentioning him in the first paragraph. Colin returns from a trip aboard and discovers his life has changed.

Un Romance Adorable

Libro Un Romance Adorable

Marcus, a lonely boy, is adopted by Daniel as a friend and invites him to join his busy family where Honoria, his younger sister, is part of it. Years later, Daniel asks Marcus to take care of Honoria while he's away, she feels irritated because when she finally finds someone acceptable, it should be discussed between what society dictates and what her heart demands.

A Sir Phillip, con amor

Libro A Sir Phillip, con amor

Es posible enamorarse de alguien a quien no has visto nunca? Eloise, la pequeña de la familia Bridgerton, está a punto de descubrirlo. Hasta que se casó Penélope, su íntima amiga, no había sentido sobre sus delicados hombros el peso de la soltería. Pero a

Un Baile a Medianoche

Libro Un Baile a Medianoche

Lady Arabella Blydon has beauty and a brain. When a suitor tells Arabella he's willing to overlook her appalling bluestocking tendencies on account of her looks and fortune, she decides to take a break from the Marriage Mart. During an extended stay in the country, she meets Lord John Blackwood, a wounded war hero who intrigues her like no other man.