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Libros de Pombo (2 libros)

Junto a Che Guevara

Libro Junto a Che Guevara

En la actualidad general de brigada en las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Cuba, Harry Villegas trabajó y luchó durante una década al lado de Ernesto Che Guevara: en Cuba, el Congo y Bolivia. Villegas habla de las luchas en las que participó a lo largo de cuatro décadas, entre ellas la derrota en 1988 del ejército del apartheid sudafricano en Cuito Cuanavale en Angola. Explica, sobre todo, la importancia del legado político de Guevara para una nueva generación de combatientes en el mundo. Fotos, notas.Villegas worked and fought alongside Ernesto Che Guevara for a decade—in Cuba,...


Libro Pombo

Pombo: a man of Che's guerrilla is a never-before-published story of the 1966-68 revolutionary campaign in Bolivia led by Ernesto Che Guevara. It is the diary and account of Pombo - a member of Guevara's general staff, a young Cuban fighter still in his 20s and already a veteran of a decade of struggle around the globe. Harry Villegas, known the world over by his nom de guerre, Pombo, is today a brigadier general in Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces. His day-by-day account of an epic chapter in the history of the Americas illuminates the times we are living through and foreshadows the titanic ...