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Libros de Raymond A. Moody (2 libros)

Vida Despues de La Vida

Libro Vida Despues de La Vida

Raymond Moody is the "father" of the modern NDE (Near Death Experience) movement. His pioneering work Life After Life transformed the way we think about death and what is beyond. Originally published in 1975, it is the groundbreaking study of one hundred people who experienced "clinical death" and were revived. In their own words, they tell what lies beyond death.

Vida Después de la Pérdida

Libro Vida Después de la Pérdida

Raymond Moody is the 'grandfather' of contemporary investigation into the Near Death Experience and the After Death Experience. Life After Loss examines the latest findings and developments in both of these experiences, including never-before-revealed information on latest research on life after death. Moody illuminates how knowledge of humanity's 'greatest mystery' helps to ease the grieving process, allowing those with faith in 'life after life' to transcend their fear and grief and become more spiritually enlightened in the process.