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Libros de Robin Sharma (2 libros)

In Search Of Game

Libro In Search Of Game

About The Book An exciting epic starts when an intelligent, highly observant and strong-willed person rises from the ashes of a Love story? Raj, who was once an ideal lover, finds himself completely lost in the abyss of his life. With many unanswered questions about his failed relationship, he walks back into the world after deciding to avoid love at all costs. However, his destiny still takes him back into the beautiful street of love, where he takes practical decisions at every step to unfold the best strategies for enjoying a blissful relationship. Once considered a sacred loving...

Audaz, productivo y feliz

Libro Audaz, productivo y feliz

Audaz, productivo y feliz constituye una valiosa guía para alcanzar la excelencia personal y profesional. Este libro ofrece propuestas prácticas que contribuirán a un cambio rápido en los hábitos diarios para alcanzar el máximo potencial de cada uno. Robin Sharma incluye aquí 36 módulos capaces de transformar radicalmente la dinámica vital para conducir al lector a horizontes profesionales y personales más elevados. El autor nos invita a reflexionar sobre la forma en que vivimos y trabajamos, y a comprometernos a introducir cambios de rumbo profundos para prosperar en todos los...