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Libros de Trigueirinho (2 libros)

Caminos Para la Cura Interior

Libro Caminos Para la Cura Interior

This books expreses the illness since a particular point of view. Illness only exists in physical and etheric levels and since our mind concentrates mainly in the material world, this is the level where illness lives. To get rid of this non-harmonious condition, we have to take into account that most of our being is in the supramentals levels.

La Muerte Sin Miedo Ni Culpa

Libro La Muerte Sin Miedo Ni Culpa

Trigueirinhos works provide inspiration for living a life that reflects ones true essence and which is dedicated to the service of human evolution. In this book, the author deals with death and exposes the laws we must know for trascending the fear and guilt levels when we are going to other dimensions.