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Libros de Yohana García (2 libros)

Francesco: una Vida Entre el Cielo y la Tierra (EDICIÓN ESPECIAL de LUJO)

Libro Francesco: una Vida Entre el Cielo y la Tierra (EDICIÓN ESPECIAL de LUJO)

This book has conquered all who have looked through its pages in many different countries. It goes beyond mere literary fiction to get us closer to a story of death and rebirth. This deluxe edition includes new ideas and content, and offers a new approach to better understand the reality in which we live. This work shows us that death is not the end of everything, but a step towards a transformation. If you want to comfort your soul, open yourself to new possibilities and to find purpose in your life, this book is for you.

Francesco: El Maestro del Amor

Libro Francesco: El Maestro del Amor

Francesco returns to infuse us with breath when life appears to be meaningless. In the fourth installment of the blockbuster franchise that has transformed the lives of thousands of readers, Francesco is back with a renewed vigor: to become the master of love. His mission is to descend to earth and show those suffering how to fix their problems without them being aware of his presence. Throughout this book, Francesco is a part of the tangling and misunderstandings between two souls as they argue about his presence, all the while he stands by their sides.