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Libros de Alejandra Vallejo-nágera (3 libros)

Cuanto Me Quieren! (Student)

Libro Cuanto Me Quieren! (Student)

Ricardete was an only child, so the birth of his baby sister brings changes that make him feel sad. Soon, however, he realizes that he is still loved, and discovers reasons to feel even happier than he was before the baby's arrival.

Los Bigotes de Chocolate

Libro Los Bigotes de Chocolate

Lola drinks her chocolate milk very fast and doesn't clean her mouth like her mother tells her to do. When she leaves the house, people think she has a moustache and greet her as she weren't a girl, and Lola gets upset.

Hijos de Padres Separados

Libro Hijos de Padres Separados

Alejandra Vallejo-Nágera, profunda conocedora del mundo infantil y adolescente, ofrece claros consejos para evitar que los hijos sufran las repercusiones negativas de la separación y nos permite entender la importancia de la buena comunicación, pieza clave para establecer una relación familiar basada en el amor y el respeto mutuo.