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Libros de Doris May Lessing (2 libros)

El sueño más dulce

Libro El sueño más dulce

Espero sobre todo haber sido capaz de recrear el espritu de la dcada de los setenta, una poca que vista en retrospectiva y comparada con lo que vino despus parece sorprendentemente inocente. Hubo en ella poco de la maldad de los setenta o de la fra codicia de los ochenta.

Diario de una buena vecina

Libro Diario de una buena vecina

At the center of this novel are two women—worlds apart, yet neighbors—who come together by chance in a neighborhood pharmacy. Janna, a middle-aged contemporary woman is the editor of a women's magazine. She is good at her work and her life seems to her a success. Then there is Maudie, skinny, rag-and-bone tattered and in her late eighties, she is a bundle of ferocity who has spent the last years sustaining herself on pride, and expressing that pride as a cat’s hissing anger. This strong and affecting novel traces the friendship of these wildly disparate women.