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Schaum's Outline of Spanish Vocabulary, 4th Edition

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Libro Schaum's Outline of Spanish Vocabulary, 4th Edition

More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. Helpful tables and illustrations increase your understanding of the subject at hand. This Schaum's Outline gives you 251 practice exercises; easy-to-follow review of Spanish Vocabulary Support for all the major textbooks for Spanish courses; and, free audio download for additional comprehension practice. Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time - and get your best test scores! Schaum's Outlines - Problem Solved.

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Cantidad de páginas 288



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