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Siglo XXII: El futuro del espacio

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Libro Siglo XXII: El futuro del espacio

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Travel to the 22nd century in this captivating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title that allows readers to discover the future of space. Elementary readers will be fascinated with the possibilities that may await human life in the future. Readers will discover the technology that may be used to one day allow humans to live on another planet, new worlds, alien life, and artificial intelligence. Featuring vibrant photos, images, informational text, a glossary of terms, and a list of helpful websites for more explorations, children will be excited and enthralled as they move through this title.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Read Along or Enhanced eBook



Formatos Disponibles:


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80 Valoraciones Totales

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