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Arte y cultura: Arte abstracto: Líneas, semirrectas y ángulos (Art and Culture: Abstract Art: Lines, Rays, and Angles)

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Libro Arte y cultura: Arte abstracto: Líneas, semirrectas y ángulos (Art and Culture: Abstract Art: Lines, Rays, and Angles)

Students will develop their geometry skills as they study the geometric shapes of modern art and read about the innovative artists who turned the art world upside down. This Spanish book seamlessly integrates the teaching of math and reading, and uses real-world examples to teach geometry concepts. Text features include a glossary, an index, captions, and a table of contents to increase students' vocabulary and reading comprehension skills as they interact with the text. The rigorous practice problems, math charts and diagrams, and sidebars provide many opportunities for students to practice their developing math skills, and apply what they've learned to their everyday lives. Math Talk provides an in-depth opportunity for further thinking, requiring the use of higher-order thinking skills.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 32



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