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Batman: Detective Comics #1000: The Deluxe Edition

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Libro Batman: Detective Comics #1000: The Deluxe Edition

DETECTIVE COMICS TURNS 80! After 80 years, it's here--the 1000th issue of Detective Comics, the title that defines DC! This incredible landmark issue is stacked with an unbelievable lineup of talent that will take you on a journey through Batman's past, present and a sensational epilogue that features the first-ever DC Universe appearance of the deadly Arkham Knight! But who is under the mask? And why do they want Batman dead? The incredible future of Batman adventures begins here! This unforgettable collector's edition features stories and art by: Neal Adams, Brian Michael Bendis, Greg Capullo, Becky Cloonan, Tony S. Daniel, Paul Dini, Warren Ellis, Steve Epting, Geoff Johns, Joëlle Jones, Kelley Jones, Tom King, Jim Lee, Doug Mahnke, Alex Maleev, Alvaro Martinez-Bueno, Dustin Nguyen, Denny O'neil, Christopher Priest, Kevin Smith, Scott Snyder, Peter J. Tomasi, James Tynion IV...and more! Detective Comics #1000: The Deluxe Edition collects the much-lauded landmark issue Detective Comics #1000, as well as an uncollected Batman story by Robert Venditti and an original story from the legendary Batman writer Alan Grant. This edition also features a bonus gallery loaded with variant covers.

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