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Clases Magistrales de Pasteleria

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Libro Clases Magistrales de Pasteleria

Baking is a rewarding pastime, and this book will take you through every step of the process, from lining the tin to creating an ornate wedding cake. Multi-award winner and professional baker Mich Turner, MBE offers indispensible lessons and a wealth of insider tips and knowledge. All of Mich s expert instructions are accompanied by thousands of photographs showing you each step of the process including tips on what not to do and how to avoid common baking mistakes. "Clases magistrales de pasteleria" takes you through the ingredients, preparation and different cake baking methods to achieve different results, including tips for identifying and fixing baking pitfalls. Explore the best combinations from purees to honeycomb, ganache to meringue. Learn how to handle marzipan and sugar paste with confidence and how to stack tiered cakes. Whether you are baking for an afternoon tea, a birthday party or a lavish celebration, this book will provide all you need to know to become a master cake maker."

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 272


  • Mich Turner


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