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Galileo Galilei

Resumen del Libro

Libro Galileo Galilei

Describes the life and work of the scientist who was persecuted by the Inquisition for his views of the universe.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 64


  • Michael White


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82 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Cómo dibujar dinosaurios

Se trata de un manual con el que los lectores aprenderán los principio básicos para dibujar dinosaurios. El libro describe detalladamente cómo dibujar la cabeza, los ojos, los dientes, las garras, las zarpas y el cuerpo de estas criaturas. Asimismo, el lector encontrará ejemplos de reptiles voladores, depredadores marinos, y dinosaurios carnívoros, herbívoros, gigantes y acorazados. El manual también incluye información curiosa sobre los paisajes y los escenarios más típicos de las distintas especies de estos seres del pasado.

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Libro Un hilo me liga a vos

Los dioses griegos existen. Si miras alrededor, los verás todos los días, en todas partes: en los bancos del parque, en los pasillos del instituto, dentro de ti... No tienes más que leer estos poemas para descubrirlos.

El hundimiento del Titanic (The Sinking of the Titanic)

Libro El hundimiento del Titanic (The Sinking of the Titanic)

The unsinkable luxury liner known as the Titanic may have sunk on its first transatlantic voyage in 1912, but people remain riveted to its storied legend. The collision with the iceberg in the North Atlantic was not the only mistake that was made that day. In this spellbinding volume, readers will learn about the passengers and crew aboard the doomed ship and what really happened that tragic night. Historical photographs will transport them back to the glamorous era, while the narrative paints an absorbing picture of the Titanic's sad fate.

C鏔o prepararte para un examen (Strengthening Test Preparation Skills)

Libro C鏔o prepararte para un examen (Strengthening Test Preparation Skills)

What is the most effective way to study for a test? Whether it's gearing up for the SATs or cramming for a history exam at school, this book is here to help. Packed with results-driven recommendations on everything from time management to reducing stress, it provides students with the tools they need to develop more efficient study habits and boost their grades. Indispensable sidebars are included throughout, as are suggestions for how to apply essential test-prep skills in the workplace and beyond.

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