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George W. Bush: Gobernador de Texas y Presidente de los Estados Unidos (Texas Governor and U.S. President)

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Libro George W. Bush: Gobernador de Texas y Presidente de los Estados Unidos (Texas Governor and U.S. President)

George W. Bush grew up in a prominent political family in Texas. After serving as Texas governor, Bush followed his father's footsteps in becoming President of the United States. This Spanish-translated biography allows readers to discover the life of George W. Bush and explore some of the impacts he made as president through acts like No Child Left Behind. Readers will also learn of the many unexpected challenges Bush faced, such as the al-Qaeda attack on September 11, 2001, the War on Terror, and the Iraq War. The engaging facts, vibrant images, and supportive text work in conjunction with the accommodating glossary and index to help children understand Texas history and improve their vocabulary.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Gobernador de Texas y Presidente de los Estados Unidos (Texan Governor and U.S. President)

Cantidad de páginas 32


  • Patrice Sherman


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