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Los Templarios Y El Tarot

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Libro Los Templarios Y El Tarot

The idea that the secrets of the Templars are contained in the Tarot is not new, but it is difficult to prove. From its uncertain origins, the Tarot has undergone numerous metamorphoses, discreetly adapting to the various uses that have been made of their Arcana. For the author of this essay, these mysterious cards have served as a support for to convey occult teachings related to Kabbalah and Alchemy. But his true secret is no different from the one the Knights Templar took to the grave. Analyzing the symbolism of the cards, using numerology and relying on the teachings of the Kabbalists Julio Peradejordi indicates the numerous coincidences between the traditional Tarot and the Western initiation teachings surrounding the Holy Grail.

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  • Juli Peradejordi


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