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Messages of Love and Peace 2: Feeling the Love of God

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Libro Messages of Love and Peace 2: Feeling the Love of God

A book full of inspiring messages of love to have a life more in faith, peace, knowing that God is always present. In life it is important to keep God in mind, seek his guidance and listen to what he has to say to us. In this book there are short messages of love that you can read daily depending on how you feel. They are words of encouragement, wisdom, guidance, love... This is one of 3 books where you will find messages full of joy, love, peace and comfort. They will help you remember who God is. It is as if He were speaking in your ear, whispering words of love, of faith and He will remind you that you are not alone. The messages are short to read daily or at times in life that are needed. It consists of messages in the topics: 1. God is with you 2. Concerns 3.Making Decisions 4. See Your Greatness This set of inspiring messages that will remind you of God, are made for you to read daily or consult when you feel necessary. This book is for you, to help you, guide you, and remind you whose son you are and that God is always with you. God's love is embodied in this and many other publications that he has guided me to do. I recommend reading the messages many times, meditating on them and thinking that God is with you always.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Feeling the Love of God

Cantidad de páginas 102


  • Carolina Duarte


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