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Next Steps to a Free Cuba

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Libro Next Steps to a Free Cuba

The Global Panel Foundation and The Prague Society for International Cooperation are committed to bringing people together to discuss and broaden our knowledge. We will use our experience to apply new concepts and frameworks for sustainable development in Cuba. During a series of public policy sessions in Berlin, Germany, diverse groups of Cuban human rights activists and dissidents, politicians, businessmen and academics were brought together. They discussed concepts, frameworks, cases, tools, and the best practices to cope with the emerging challenges to Cuba. Building on the foregoing, this work collects contributions by authors covering Cuban as well as Central European perspectives. The articles have been grouped into six parts according to the schedule of public policy sessions: Cubans meet Bundestag; Leadership in Cuba; Lessons learnt from 1989/90; The Cuba Strategy from a German perspective, and Cuba from a Czech and Latvian perspective. Initiatives for Change in Cuba close the publication. This work gives an outlook for further activities relating to democratize Cuba.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Learning from the Peaceful Revolution in Central Europe

Cantidad de páginas 236


  • Marc S. Ellenbogen
  • Jochen Wittmann


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