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Oplang Method: Spanish Level 1 (Audio eBook Enhanced Edition)

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Libro Oplang Method: Spanish Level 1 (Audio eBook Enhanced Edition)

This courses teaches Spanish systematically using the following rules: 1. Only one word is introduced each lesson (there are a couple of exceptions, and the reasons are explained in the course). 2. Each new words must be used in every new word, new sentence and dialogue created in that lesson. 3. All words need to be repeated multiple times in subsequent lessons to ensure constant revision. Audio is built into the course, with over 400 audio files embedded (check supporting devices) This course systematically teaches 100 Spanish words. Knowing 100 of the most common Spanish words can help you understand up to 45% of written Spanish, and this course uses constant repetition of the 100 words learned to form: 189 words 261 Sentences 27 dialogues It cleverly introduces words at the right time throughout the course to demonstrate Spanish grammar and sentence structure. The Oplang Method is designed for serious learners, and we believe that or method is the best way to learn to read, speak and understand Spanish.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 215


  • Dr Chris Ellis
  • Dr Joaquin Rodriguez Suro
  • Damian Guede


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