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Pequeños poderosos: Cosas diminutas, grandes resultados (Mighty Micros: Little Things, Big Results) 6-Pack

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Libro Pequeños poderosos: Cosas diminutas, grandes resultados (Mighty Micros: Little Things, Big Results) 6-Pack

Some of the most powerful things in the world are so tiny they can't be seen with the naked eye! Readers will be amazed at what they see when they take a glance at the world of the mini but mighty in this stunningly fascinating Spanish-translated nonfiction title that features remarkable images and graphics, informational text, index, and glossary. Through these features, readers are able to explore and discover such micros as DNA, atoms, bacteria, phytoplankton, and nanotechnology items like nano-robots and microchips! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Challenging Plus

Cantidad de páginas 36


  • Jennifer Kroll


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