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Tu revista literaria de novedades y clásicos [ EPUB, PDF, MOBI ]


Resumen del Libro

Libro Triangulo

What's New in Tringulo?Seven Chapters: The six global themes recommended by College Board plus a mid-year and final exams following the newest Advanced Placement Spanish Language Exam format.Each Chapter: Each of the six or seven recommended thematic sub-contexts will be practiced through the main exam tasks such as Reading Comprehension, Reading and Listening combined Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Interpersonal Writing and Speaking and Presentational Writing and Speaking.Additional Help for the Teacher: Essential vocabulary presented in Spanish and in context, highlighted cultural comparisons and cultural miniprojects which blend products, practices and perspectives with essential questions and cross referenced authentic audio and print materials.Additional Help for the Student: A Learning Site, accessible for extra practice and insight.Ancillary Materials: Teacher's Manual with scripts, suggestions and annotated answer keys, CD's for classroom practice.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Aprobado

Cantidad de páginas 324


  • Barbara Gatski
  • John Mcmullan


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