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Construimos un dron: Seguir instrucciones (We Build a Drone: Following Instructions)

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Libro Construimos un dron: Seguir instrucciones (We Build a Drone: Following Instructions)

Computer science is all around us, at school, at home, and in the community. This book gives readers the essential tools they need to understand the computer science concept of algorithms and procedures. Brilliant color photographs and accessible text will engage readers and allow them to connect deeply with the concept. The computer science topic is paired with an age-appropriate curricular topic to deepen readers' learning experience and show how algorithms and procedures work in the real world. In this book, readers learn how to use instructions to build their own drone. This nonfiction book is paired with the fiction book Rae Builds a Robot (ISBN: 9781508137610). The instructional guide on the inside front and back covers provides: Vocabulary, Background knowledge, Text-dependent questions, Whole class activities, and Independent activities.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 24


  • Leonard Clasky


Formatos Disponibles:


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34 Valoraciones Totales

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