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Cuerpos amerindios

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Libro Cuerpos amerindios

Two exhibitions that propose a dialogue from diverse perspectives around art, archaeology and the human body. The exhibition "Amerindian Bodies: Art and culture of the corporal modifications" curated by archaeologist Uribe explores the cultural, social and symbolic richness of the corporal interventions amongst the Pre-Columbian societies of Colombia. The interventions in skin, muscles, bone, hair, denture and nails, far from being superfluous, are vital in the construction of the social identity of the people. The exhibition follows the beauty ideals, religious rituals, economic activities, mythology and healing sickness capabilities as practiced in different Indian societies. The exhibition "Habeas Corpus: may you have [a] body [to exhibit]" is a collaborative curatorship between historian Jaime Borja and artist José Alejandro Restrepo. In their museographic script they define the human body as a "cultural experience and history container" and establish a dialogue of the fascination shared by the baroque and contemporary cultures on the human body alternating baroque artwork from Nueva Granada, contemporary art expressions and scientific illustrations.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : arte y cultura de las modificaciones corporales

Cantidad de páginas 317


  • José Alejandro Restrepo
  • Museo Del Oro (banco De La República)


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