El Secreto Del Exito
Resumen del Libro

No es que no creamos que haya un secreto del exito sino que como se han dicho tantas tonterias, dudamos sobre cual sera la postura de un maestro. Es mas facil llenar paginas con buenos consejos o unos cuantos principios, que esforzarse activamente y ponerlos en practica. Ademas de las buenas cualidades que llevan al exito, hay algo mas: el que busca el exito posee dentro de si mismo la cualidad que, puesta en accion, constituye el verdadero secreto del exito. Esta obra revela que es ese algo interior, y lo que obtendra todo aquel que lo desarrolle y lo ponga en accion. Todos lo tenemos, solo depende de nosotros sacarlo para expresarlo. Esta expresion individual es EL SECRETO DEL EXITO. De eso hablaremos en este libro; conviene aprender este secreto . Description in english: Is not that we might not believe that there is a secret to success but as since so much nonsense has been said, we doubt about what the position of a teacher would be. It is easier to fill pages with good advice or a few principles than to actively make an effort and implement them. Besides the good qualities that lead to success, there is something else: he who seeks success has within himself the quality that, when put into action, is the real secret of success. This work reveals what this is something from the inside, and what will be obtained by all those who develop and put it into action. We all have it, it's only up to us to get it out and express it. This individual expression is the SECRET OF SUCCESS. We will discuss about that in this book; it is convenient to learn this secret.
Datos sobre el Libro
Tñitulo Secundario : Tu Poder Invisible
Cantidad de páginas 208
Formatos Disponibles:
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