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Spanish Verbs Skill Builder Manual

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Libro Spanish Verbs Skill Builder Manual

If you've already learned the basics of Spanish and you want to become more fluent, then the "Spanish Verbs Skill Builder from Living Language(R) is right for you. The unique approach of this book introduces all the tenses and all major verb groups in a conversational format. In addition, the easy-to-use verb charts in the reference section offer instant access to more than 150 verbs arranged in alphabetical order. The "Spanish Verbs Skill Builder will help you master Spanish verbs quickly, easily, and enjoyably. CONVERSATION AND VERB REFERENCE COMBINED IN ONE COMPREHENSIVE COURSE 40 lessons to teach conjugation and conversation Complete conjugations of more than 150 regular and irregular verbs Realistic phrases, expressions, and conversations to illustrate usage Complete grammar summary and glossary of grammatical terms Additional features that will help you perfect your Spanish: pronunciation chart, tense-formation guide, and grammar summary The "Spanish Verbs Skill Builder is the ideal companion to the "Spanish: Complete Course, Ultimate Spanish, and "All-Audio Spanish, all from Living Language. Also available: " Spanish Verbs Skill Builder cassette packages, which include this coursebook, together with four hours of recordings.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 344


  • Marcel Danesi
  • Stephen Mcgroarty


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