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Tres visitantes en París

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Libro Tres visitantes en París

The author describes and discusses the influence Le Corbusier in Uruguay through a series of trips, the first done by the Swiss-French architect in 1929, and the remaining ones from the three Uruguayan architects who joined the workshop of the notable architect: Carlos Gómez Gavazzo, in 1933, Justino Serralta, in 1948, and Carlos Clémot, in 1949. The study also includes aspects of Antonio Bonet Castellana's trip, who was there in 1937 and in Uruguay from 1945 to 1948, and additionally analyzes what Eladio Dieste learned from his "Le Courvoisier partners" Serralta and Clémot as well as the approval of the Study Program of the Faculty of architecture of the UdR in 1952.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : los colaboradores uruguayos de Le Corbusier

Cantidad de páginas 413


  • Jorge Nudelman


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