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Calentamiento global (Global Warming)

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Libro Calentamiento global (Global Warming)

In the last one hundred years, Earth’s average temperature has risen one full degree. That might not sound like much, but it affects Earth’s oceans, land, plants, and animals. Learn all about global warming, the carbon cycle, the greenhouse effect, and weather and climate with this Spanish science reader that brings the power of science and informational text to students at a level they can understand. This nonfiction book introduces students to new concepts, vocabulary terms, and STEM topics. With detailed images and fascinating sidebars, the leveled text supports students reading at above-, below-, and on-grade level and aligns to state and national standards. The fun lab activity encourages students to think like scientists. Keep students engaged in learning with this Spanish book.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 32



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