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Gigantes marinos de la época de los dinosaurios (Sea Giants of Dinosaur Time)

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Libro Gigantes marinos de la época de los dinosaurios (Sea Giants of Dinosaur Time)

"Dino" Don Lessem brings readers face-to-face with various dinosaur species, detailing their habitats, way of life and how they became extinct. An acclaimed dinosaur expert, Don Lessem has written more than 30 children's books, writes a popular dinosaur column in Highlights magazine, and was an adviser for Jurassic Park. Take a trip through dinosaur time to meet these sea giants face-to-face: The Archelon was similar to a turtle, but its shell was made of crossed rib bone covered in rubbery skin! The Mososaurs had huge pointy jaws and grew to be fifty feet long! The Ichthyosaurs looked a lot like dolphins! Plus, you'll get to know Opthalmosaurus, Kronosaurus, Shonisaurus, Plesiosaurs and Teleosaurus!

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 32



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41 Valoraciones Totales

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