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Helen Keller: Una nueva visión (Helen Keller: A New Vision) 6-Pack

Resumen del Libro

Libro Helen Keller: Una nueva visión (Helen Keller: A New Vision) 6-Pack

In this inspiring biography, readers will learn about the incredible journey of Helen Keller. Using informational, Spanish-translated text and expressive images and photos, readers will discover the undeniable determination that Keller had as a young deaf and blind girl and how her teacher, Anne Sullivan, helped her to read, write, speak, and graduate from college. With a timeline, a bibliography, and a glossary of terms, children are given the tools they need to expand their knowledge about this fascinating and inspiring woman. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Advanced Plus

Cantidad de páginas 48



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44 Valoraciones Totales

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