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La abadía de los herejes / Abbey of Heretics

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Libro La abadía de los herejes / Abbey of Heretics

Un explosivo thriller histórico en la línea de El nombre de la rosa de Umberto Eco. Limoux, año 1379. Tras una enigmática reunión, la Inquisición encarcela sin causa aparente a la familia de un humilde carpintero. El matrimonio es metódicamente interrogado, torturado, procesado y condenado por herejía en base a pruebas hábilmente manipuladas. Ejean, el hijo mayor del matrimonio, tras su viaje a Toledo y Barcelona, regresa a su pueblo natal, donde obtiene por la fuerza la confesión de tres miembros del Tribunal de la Inquisición que condenó a los suyos y que confirmaría que sus hermanos fueron obligados a ingresar en calidad de oblatos en la abadía de Sant Miquel de Cuixà. Abrigando la esperanza de encontrarlos, Ejean se trasladará secretamente hasta esa abadía, donde consigue introducirse en ella con la ayuda de un misterioso religioso benedictino. Dentro de esos muros será testigo de las conspiraciones internas en pos de El legado del diablo, un libro en clave que profetiza el futuro hasta la llegada del fin del mundo. La incesante búsqueda de sus hermanos le llevará, finalmente, a desvelar la siniestra identidad de quien se hace llamar el Siervo de Dios y la razón última de la intriga urdida para asesinar a sus padres. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A historical thriller along the linesof Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose. Limoux. The year, 1379. After an enigmatic meeting, the Inquisition incarcerates the family of Jean Duver, a humble carpenter, with no apparent motive. Husband and wife aremethodically interrogated, tortured, processed, and convicted of heresy based on skillfully manipulated evidence. Ejean, the Duver’s eldest son, returns to his home townafter traveling through Toledo and Barcelona. His friend and neighbor Hug Sabarthés tells him of his parents’ tragic fate, and also of the mysterious disappearance of his brothers. Ejean manages to force a confession from three members of the Tribunal who condemned his family, confirming his brothers were forcibly admitted as oblates in San Miquel de Cuixá’s monastery. Still hoping to find them, he travels in secret to the abbey and is able to enter with the help of Bardou, a cryptic Benedictine monk. Ejean takes the identity of a monk named Abbal, and is initiated in the knowledge of an unimaginable reality. Captive in a dual monastery, he will learnthe friars conform a silent militia of privileged minds, busily copying, coding, and decrypting all messages intercepted by the web of spies of the anti-Pope of Avignon, Clement VII, adamant about forging a new kingdom on both sides of the Pyreneeswith the help of Pere IV, King of Catalonia and Aragon. Inside those walls, Ejean will witness the internal conspiracies in favor of The Devil’s Legacy, a coded book that prophesizes the future up to the end of the world, and of the clandestine interests of both the Abbot and the Prior. Meanwhile, there will be an outbreak of theblack plague in the abbey, several monks will be poisoned and murdered, and the troops of the Black Prince, Bertrand de Guesclin, will attack by order of the King of France. The relentless search for his brothers will finally take Ejean to reveal the sinister identity of the one who calls himself The Servant of God, and of the ultimate reason for the intrigue concocted in order to kill his parents

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  • Eugeni Verdú


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