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La caja mágica

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Libro La caja mágica

The Magic Box, carried out by Dominique Perrault Architecture, is more than a public sports facility. It is a whole conceptual, urbanistic and constructive manifesto through the insertion of a radically contemporary building in a sensitive environment, which has helped to regenerate the southern edge of the city of Madrid and to round off the urban banks of the Manzanares River. The book includes unpublished texts by Andreas Ruby (a didactic essay) and Hans Ulrich Ibrist (an exclusive interview). It also includes a technical dossier dedicated to the construction of the building highly illustrated with plans (mostly unpublished) and a graphic documentation that breaks down the details of the construction, difficulties, successes and context of the assignment. In addition, this monograph also provides information on the competitive submissions, and further texts that explain the concept behind the Magic Box and the reason for its success.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Dominique Perrault architecture

Cantidad de páginas 205


  • Dominique Perrault
  • José María Ezquiaga Domínguez
  • Andreas Ruby


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