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Licencia para dudar

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Libro Licencia para dudar

Doubt and confidence are intimately related and affect a human being’s decisions in every sphere of life. In Licencia para dudar (Licence to Doubt) the author presents arguments that will help the reader understand how confidence functions, and it shows the kinds of doubts that paralyze and deprives us of being able to experiment life in all of its fullness. The book offers a clear path to tools for understanding and analyzing doubts and in that way controlling the anxieties that doubts create. Licencia para Dudar offers a self-analysis that allows the reader to customize practical solutions for his particular case and minimize the kinds of doubts that paralyze and besiege us and make us anxious.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Cómo aprovechar tus dudas para vivir plentamente

Cantidad de páginas 164



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