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LLL: Health & Safety: La muneca de la senorita 6-Pack with Lap Book

Resumen del Libro

Libro LLL: Health & Safety: La muneca de la senorita 6-Pack with Lap Book

A little girl named Molly has a very sick dolly. She calls the doctor to come quick, quick, quick! Read what happens next in this sweetly illustrated version of the traditional song. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are just beginning to read. The familiar rhyme and images help new readers "tell the story" either as they read or as they are read to. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title, a lesson plan, and a Lap Book.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Health & Safety

Cantidad de páginas 16



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72 Valoraciones Totales

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