Resumen del Libro

La versi�n perdida de Dr�cula, que Bram Stoker reescribi� con el primer traductor de la obra y a la vez editor en Islandia. En 1900 el editor y escritor Valdimar �smundsson se propuso traducir, por primera vez en la historia, la que se convertir�a en la gran obra de la literatura g�tica: Dr�cula, de Bram Stoker. Sin embargo, �smundsson no solo tradujo Dr�cula sino que, con la ayuda del propio autor, escribi� una versi�n distinta de la historia, con nuevos personajes y una trama totalmente reconstruida. M�s corta, m�s oscura y m�s er�tica, esta obra escrita a cuatro manos se titul� Makt Myrkranna (Los poderes de la oscuridad). Makt Myrkranna se public� en Islandia en 1901 y cont� con un prefacio de Bram Stoker, pero el texto permaneci� perdido hasta que, en 2014, fue descubierto por el investigador Hans Corneel de Roos. Por fin ve la luz Los poderes de la oscuridad, la versi�n de Dr�cula que reimaginaron Stoker y �smundsson y se escond�a del mundo en Islandia... hasta ahora. Ampliamente anotada por De Ross, la presente edici�n proporciona al lector el fascinante contexto hist�rico, cultural y literario de uno de los cl�sicos indiscutibles de la literatura universal. Cuenta, adem�s, con un prefacio de Dacre Stoker, descendiente de Bram Stoker, y con un ep�logo de John Edgar Browning, especialista internacionalmente reconocido en literatura de terror y vampirismo. El resultado es un incre�ble descubrimiento literario. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The first-ever translation into English of a newly discovered Icelandic adaptation of Bram Stoker's classic gothic novel, Dracula "With the discovery of its vast differences from Dracula, [Powers of Darkness] will have a lasting effect on the world of vampire studies." - John Williams, The New York Times Book Review Powers of Darkness is an incredible literary discovery: In 1900, Icelandic publisher and writer Valdimar �smundsson set out to translate Bram Stoker's world-famous 1897 novel Dracula. Called Makt Myrkranna (literally, "Powers of Darkness"), this Icelandic edition included an original preface written by Stoker himself. Makt Myrkranna was published in Iceland in 1901 but remained undiscovered outside of the country until 1986, when Dracula scholarship was astonished by the discovery of Stoker's preface to the book. However, no one looked beyond the preface and deeper into �smundsson's story. In 2014, literary researcher Hans de Roos dove into the full text of Makt Myrkranna, only to discover that �smundsson hadn't merely translated Dracula but had penned an entirely new version of the story, with all new characters and a totally re-worked plot. The resulting narrative is one that is shorter, punchier, more erotic, and perhaps even more suspenseful than Stoker's Dracula. Incredibly, Makt Myrkranna has never been translated or even read outside of Iceland until now. Powers of Darkness presents the first ever translation into English of Stoker and �smundsson's Makt Myrkranna. With marginal annotations by de Roos providing readers with fascinating historical, cultural, and literary context; a foreword by Dacre Stoker, Bram Stoker's great-grandnephew and bestselling author; and an afterword by Dracula scholar John Edgar Browning, Powers of Darkness will amaze and entertain legions of fans of Gothic literature, horror, and vampire fiction.
Datos sobre el Libro
Cantidad de páginas 320
- Valdimar
- Stoker Bram
Formatos Disponibles:
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71 Valoraciones Totales