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Origenes, Historia y Futuro de la Reserva Federal de Los Estados Unidos: Retorno a la Isla de Jekyll

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Libro Origenes, Historia y Futuro de la Reserva Federal de Los Estados Unidos: Retorno a la Isla de Jekyll

Seven essays were presented at the conference of 2010 in Jekyll Island on the centenary of this event, so in this book, you will find the origins, the foundation, the decisive events and the future of the Federal Reserve of the United States of America. It is written as an economic and macro-economy history analysis, that starts like you may suppose, with the origins of the Federal Reserve and its firsts effects inside the financial scene of the United States of America, afterwards it analyzes the historic labor of this institution since 1913, year of its foundation, until now and accurately concludes with a debate from some of the members that had participated in the political decisions of the Reserve, providing a critical and questioning approach to the future of the Federal Reserve, a fact that goes beyond of the academic field and straight to the current economic and political affairs of the United States.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 591


  • Michael D. Y. William Roberds Bordo


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