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Viaje a través de la Vía Láctea (A Trip Through the Milky Way)

Resumen del Libro

Libro Viaje a través de la Vía Láctea (A Trip Through the Milky Way)

When we look up at the night sky you can see millions of stars, but what do you think we could see in space if we left Earth? If we could hop into a special ship and blast off, traveling billions of miles away from Earth, we’d see the Milky Way galaxy. In this book, readers take an incredible journey through that galaxy, exploring the universe and learning how it was formed and what will one day happen to these enormous groups of stars. From mysterious dark matter to the black holes at the center of galaxies, readers will also dive into the mysteries of the universe scientists have spent years trying to decipher.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 32



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