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Proyectos reales para explorar la Primera Guerra Mundial y los años 20 (Real-World Projects to Explore World War I and the Roaring ’20s)

Resumen del Libro

Libro Proyectos reales para explorar la Primera Guerra Mundial y los años 20 (Real-World Projects to Explore World War I and the Roaring ’20s)

The idea of the Roaring '20s conjures up images of speakeasies, women with short, saucy hairdos, and hot jazz. Readers will learn about the historical events that define this decade, including the devastating war that preceded it. An explanation about project-based learning will help readers understand how it can help them research their topic in unique and interesting ways. Constructive suggestions offer ideas for projects, while encouraging readers to take their studies in new and interesting directions.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 64



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