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¿WTF es el Tarot? / WTF is Tarot?

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Libro ¿WTF es el Tarot? / WTF is Tarot?

Este es un enfoque sensato para el arte antiguo de leer el tarot. No necesitas aprender el tarot porque ya lo sabes. Es desde este punto de partida radical que este libro descompone el antiguo arte de la cartomancia. Esta guía fresca, accesible y a veces atrevida, arroja una luz holística sobre cómo leer el tarot, desde la base de la magia misma hasta la comprensión de las complicadas tarjetas para ofrecer lecturas a otros. El autor y lector de tarot Bakara Wintner desempaqueta la magia de los arcanos mayor y menor con sabiduría chamánica y el ingenio de una niña, iluminando su significado con anécdotas y analogías reflexivas que revelan cuán enraizados están estos símbolos en nuestra vida cotidiana: podemos sentir a la Luna en una carrera descalza por Prospect Park, aceptar la gracia de Temperance al enamorarnos o identificar cuándo es el momento de soltar a un ex con el ahorcado. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Young Blood, Old Magic: A No-Nonsense Approach to the Ancient Art of Reading Tarot You do not need to learn the tarot because you already know it. It is from this radical jumping off point that WTF Is Tarot breaks down the ancient art of cartomancy. This fresh, accessible and sometimes cheeky guide sheds a holistic light on how to read tarot, from the foundation of magic itself to understanding those tricky court cards to offering readings to others. In WTF Is Tarot, author and tarot reader Bakara Wintner unpacks the magic of the Major and Minor Aracana with shamanic wisdom and girl boss wit, illuminating their meaning with thoughtful anecdotes and analogies that reveal how deeply rooted these symbols already are in our everyday lives: we can feel the Moon in a howling barefoot run through Prospect Park, accept the grace of Temperance in falling in love or a divine intervention, “ghost the haters” with the Six of Swords, or identify when it’s time to let go of an ex with the Hanged Man. WTF is Tarot offers far more than a refreshingly candid tutorial on card reading. Bakara goes on to investigate the magic of crystal healing, chakras, meditation and other magical practices. This young witch offers not just a guide, but an invitation for even the most mundane Muggles to welcome magic into their lives, and for experienced wizards to rediscover it once again.

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  • Bakara Wintner


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