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Libro Destino

Remember feeling a pull, sensing a divine guide that was leading you to the right place or person? DESTINY, that inner compass, directs you to fulfillment of your highest purpose. When you reflect on your life, you may be amazed that your greatest moments resulted from circumstances that you did not control or initiate. You were destined! Stepping into your destiny means fulfilling the role you were created to play in life. You thrive and find the great elixir of contentment when you have the courage to pursue your true purpose. Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains, and shortcuts and even what appears on the surface to be failure. On deeper reflection, we understand them as catalysts that shift us toward authentic self-identity, greater exposure, and bold life adventures. Whether you are just starting out, starting over, or wondering if there is greater success than what you've already accomplished, now is the time to reset your inner compass. Clear your path of distractions and disruptions. Correct places where you have veered off course. Get unstuck. Embrace your God-given purpose and, with this revelatory guide from T.D. Jakes, dare to pursue the unseen order in your life circumstances that is your DESTINY. Discover the divine purpose of your dreams with this insightful guide from Bishop T. D. Jakes -- and learn how Biblical principles will propel your life to the next level. Have you ever sensed the pull of a divine guide that was leading you to the right place or person? Destiny, that inner compass, directs you to fulfillment of your highest purpose. When you reflect on your life, you may be amazed that you didn't control or initiate your greatest moments -- you were destined! Stepping into your destiny means fulfilling the role you were created to play in life. You will thrive and find contentment when you have the courage to pursue your true purpose. Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains, and shortcuts. On deeper reflection, we understand our trials and failures as valuable lessons, the catalysts that shift us toward authentic self-identity, greater exposure, and bold life adventures. Whether you are starting out, starting over, or dreaming of greater success, now is the time to reset your inner compass, clear your path of distractions and disruptions, and correct places where you have veered off course. Get unstuck. Embrace your God-given purpose and, with this revelatory guide from T.D. Jakes, dare to pursue the unseen order in your life circumstances and fulfill your Destiny.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Láncese hacia su propósito

Cantidad de páginas 256


  • T. D. Jakes


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