Resumen del Libro

Seasoned trends forecaster and consultant Annie Auerbach takes a fresh look at women's professional lives today by rethinking the 9 to 5 in this "no-nonsense guide to thinking and behaving more flexibly in order to have a happier, better, less frenetic life" (Marie Claire)--now widely available for American readers and updated with an author note addressing work in the post-Covid age. The recent coronavirus outbreak has proven what Annie Auerbach has long championed: working 9-5 in an office doesn't work for most us. It's time to change the rules. We can be efficient and productive when we're allowed the freedom of flexibility--to meet deadlines working during the hours and in the places we choose. But before the coronavirus pandemic, only 47 percent of American workers had access to flexible working options. Annie Auerbach advises major corporations, including Nike, Google, Unilever, and Pepsico. She understands work culture and the needs of employees. The world is changing for working women, but until the recent pandemic, companies turned a blind eye. Now, it's time to make this change routine. Auerbach reiterates the importance of leaving the office cubicle behind and explores the realities many women experience working from home and the changes to their daily lives, including the trickle-down effects, from emotional labor to balancing childcare and education with work, to even biohacking the female body's unique rhythms. Flex es una forma creativa y rebelde de vivir. Se trata de mirar las rutinas (como las del trabajo de nueve a cinco) y las normas sociales (como las mujeres que llevan la peor parte de la "carga emocional" en casa) y doblarlas y remodelarlas. Flex es una miranda hacia adentro de mujeres para mujeres que ayuda a comprendernos a nosotras mismas, nuestro cuerpo y los patrones de nuestras relaciones. También nos enseña a trabajar en cómo vivir, ganar dinero y ser feliz de una manera perfecta identificando nuestros talentos únicos. Flex sabe que el mundo está cambiando rápidamente. Los trabajos para los que fuimos entrenadas en la escuela no existirán en una década. La escala profesional ha sido reemplazada por la cartera. Si te sientes atrapada, cansada, en tu peor momento, aburrida... este libro es para ti. Si estás repleta de ideas, pero atrapada en un entorno que las aplasta... este libro es para ti. Si eres una rebelde de corazón... este libro es para ti.
Datos sobre el Libro
Cantidad de páginas 280
- Thomas Nelson
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