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Mañana Coursebook

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Libro Mañana Coursebook

An expertly written Spanish B course now updated for first examination 2020, providing students with thought-provoking materials to help them develop strong language skills and solid critical thinking. The coursebook helps students develop their Spanish language skills as they explore the five themes from the new IB Diploma Language B guide: identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organisation and sharing the planet. Each unit begins with 'big questions' that get learners thinking about global topics such as, 'how do we express our identity?' These help students appreciate wider issues before developing their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through international texts, practice exercises and activities in the style of the exam. Answers to questions and audio files for the listening exercises are in the teacher's resource.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Spanish B for the IB Diploma

Cantidad de páginas 352



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92 Valoraciones Totales

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