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Tu revista literaria de novedades y clásicos [ EPUB, PDF, MOBI ]


Resumen del Libro

Libro Exploraciones

[This] is a high-intermediate to advanced-level reader that invites students to link their study of Spanish with the many professional opportunities in other disciplines and to explore in particular the fields of communications, social services, business, education, health professions, law, tourism, computer applications, and engineering. The reading selections in [this book] profile people, work environments, and key issues associated with a wide variety of occupations in the United States and in the Spanish-speaking world. [This book] aims to expand [students'] appreciation of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture while promoting inquiry about possible professional paths.-Pref.

Datos sobre el Libro

Tñitulo Secundario : Culturas Y Campos Profesionales

Cantidad de páginas 244


  • Susan G. Polansky
  • Gene S. Kupferschmid


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