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La Esencia de un Poeta Joven

Resumen del Libro

Libro La Esencia de un Poeta Joven

The Essence of a Young Poet is about a teenager (Juan Manuel) that started facing a lot of problems and heartaches as soon as he entered high school and encountered reality face to face. Throughout the book he goes through a lot of shifts of emotions as he encounters those problems. On his freshmen year he fell in love with a junior that played with his feelings and then broke his heart; as a result of that, he fell into a deep depression and started heading toward a dark path. Without the presence of his father, he had nobody to turn to that he could trust and express himself to, to help him with his struggles, so he turned his attention toward suicide. Unable to commit suicide, he decided to go to church after he received an invitation from a friend. From that point, his life started to change in a positive way; he was no longer depressed or struggling with his life because he learned to trust God. Shortly after that, he met a gorgeous and nice girl (Keyshla) in which he felt in love with after she helped him pick up the broken pieces of his heart. They were the perfect couple without a doubt but for some reason the perfect relationship came to an end. He was sad once again because he really thought that she was the one and he didn’t want that relationship to end. Unable to fix the problem, he moved on and started dating someone else who turned out to be a bigger problem than what he expected. Unable to fill what was missing in his heart, the relationship eventually came to an end. He remained single after that and just focused on his future and God, leaving the past behind.

Datos sobre el Libro

Cantidad de páginas 94


  • Juan Manuel Caraballo


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